



Гидроксиполисилоксан. Серия гидроксиполисилоксанов COSIL F представляет собой полидиметилсилоксан с концевыми гидроксил

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Базовая информация.
Модель №.КОСИЛ-Ф
КлассификацияХимический вспомогательный агент
СертификацияИСО, ИАТФ
Другое имяО-Полимер
минимальный заказ200 кг
Упаковка25/50/200 кг/барабан;1000 кг/IBC
Имя брендаКосил
Место происхожденияЦзянсу, Китай
Ключевые словаСиликоновое масло
наименование товараСиликоновое масло с концевыми гидроксильными группами
Транспортный пакетБарабан/цистерна IBC
Спецификация20 кг/50 кг/200 кг/1000 кг
Товарный знакКОСИЛ
Код ТН ВЭД3910000000
Производственная мощность1000т/Да
Cosil-F Series Oh Silicone Polymer 107 for Building Sealant

Cosil-F Series Oh Silicone Polymer 107 for Building Sealant

Cosil-F Series Oh Silicone Polymer 107 for Building Sealant

Cosil-F Series Oh Silicone Polymer 107 for Building Sealant

Cosil-F Series Oh Silicone Polymer 107 for Building Sealant

Cosil's scope of core businesses is mainly described as below:1. Manufacturing and supply of silicone adhesive (in large drums) as well as silicone raw material for special silicone rubber to be manufactured by other manufacturers of silicone adhesive, and such raw material and products include high quality polysiloxane, cross-linking agent and relevant additives, adhesive (in large drums) for building/construction industry, electronic-grade silicone raw material, cross-linking agents and relevant additives for industrial and electronic related applications; 2. R&D, manufacturing and sales of products (in large drums) of electronic grade; 3.Technical solutions and services for products that are applicable for various applications involving special surface treatment such as textile coating, building cement waterproof and glass fabric surface etc.Packing:25kg/drum,50kg/drum,200kg/drum and 1000kg/IBC tank,etc.We can be customized according to customer needs. Shelf life and storage:Store in a cool, dry place under the condition of keeping the original package sealed. The storage period is 12 months from the production date; the expiration date is indicated on the label of each batch of products.The product must be kept tightly sealed during storage. If it is not sealed and stored, or the packaging container with poor sealing is replaced, the product may deteriorate.